Book a meeting with a planner, request written planning advice or contact our planning team.
Learn about the planning application process, view the planning application checklists and lodge your application online.
Discover each step of the planning permit process: from pre-application advice to submission, assessment, advertising, and decisions.
Prior to Council reaching a decision on a planning permit application, it will undergo public advertisement.
If you feel you have been affected by a planning proposal, you can object or make a submission to a planning permit application.
If you are unhappy with a permit decision, you can apply to have it reviewed by the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT).
If you wish to make any changes to your planning permit after it has been issued, you need to apply for an amendment.
If your planning permit is subject to conditions, we may ask you to submit your plans for approval using our online portal.
For a fee you can request copies of Request copies of planning permits and endorsed plans.
Through our online planning application register, you can find details of current and past planning permit applications.
The Swan Hill Planning Scheme controls land use and development within our municipality.
A list of documents related to Planning.