About Youth Inc

Youth Inc is a space for young people aged 12 to 25 to hang out, study, meet new people and get involved in the community.

Young people can connect with us to:

  • Hang out, study, and meet new people
  • Get involved in the community
  • Make a difference
  • Learn new skills
  • Get support
  • Build your wellbeing
  • Create the future you want

We can help you access:

  • Activities that keep you fit and healthy
  • Support and help to overcome challenges
  • Service providers who can assist with employment, relationships, sexual health, alcohol and other drug education, and lots more
  • Opportunities to find your creative outlet
  • Groups of like-minded people
  • Programs to develop yourself and your skills

Drop in to say hi!  We offer plenty of entertainment, including a pool table, Wii, Xbox, music equipment, iMac computer, and comfy couches where you can just sit back and relax.

The NOVO Youth Council and FReeZA Committee also operate out of Youth Inc, providing opportunities for involvement and community input.

There are lots of ways to connect with us and we would love to hear from you.

For information on the direction of Youth Inc, read our Youth Strategic Plan(PDF, 3MB).

Swan Hill Rural City Council is committed to being a child safe organisation where all children and young people are valued and protected from harm and abuse. Find out more about our child safe practices and our Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy(PDF, 279KB).