Report a missed bin collection

You may report a missed bin collection for Council provided bins:

Red Landfill Bin

Landfill bin
(red lid)

Recycling yellow bin
Recycling bin
(yellow lid)

Green garden bin
Garden waste bin
(green lid)

How to report


Step 1.Check your bin was placed out on the correct day

Please be aware that bin collection dates can vary during the Easter and Christmas holiday period. 

Step 2.Check your bin met the collection criteria

Your bin may have been missed if any of the following apply:

  • Your bin is too heavy. If you struggle to take your bin to the kerb, it’s likely that it’s too heavy for the truck to lift.
  • Your bin is overfilled and/or contaminated.
  • Your bin is not an authorised Swan Hill Rural City Council bin. Contact Council if you believe you have the wrong bin.

Step 3.Submit the online form

Report a missed bin


What happens next?

A member of our customer service team will contact you.