Maintaining your septic tank system
It is important that residents maintain their system to increase its life and prevent harming the environment.
When managed and maintained correctly, septic tanks - also called onsite domestic wastewater systems - are a safe and effective method of treating and discharging wastewater. However, if systems fail and release untreated wastewater into local waterways or stormwater drains, they can be a threat to public health and the environment.
Once your wastewater system is in use, you have legal obligations to maintain your system. The laws apply to home owners and renters, and include older systems.
If you are experiencing problems with your system, contact a plumber to discuss. Councils have powers to enforce these requirements. They can order system maintenance and take enforcement action, such as issuing a fine, for breaches of duties.
For more information about managing your wastewater treatment system, visit the EPA website.