VCAT and planning disputes

If you have applied for a planning permit or you have made an objection to a planning permit application and you disagree with a Council decision, then you can appeal to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) to review the decision.

VCAT is an independent tribunal that hears and determines a range of disputes.

After Council has made their decision, common appeals to VCAT are:

  • The permit applicant appeals against Council’s refusal to grant the permit
  • The permit applicant appeals against conditions Council has imposed on the Planning Permit
  • The permit applicant appeals against Council’s failure to make a decision on their application within 60 days (a failure appeal)
  • An objector appeals against Council’s decision to issue a Notice of Decision to Grant a Planning Permit

When to lodge a VCAT appeal

Once Council gives notice of their decision, the timeframes to lodge an appeal are:

  • 60 days for applicants
  • 28 days for objectors

More information 

For further information, you can visit VCAT’s website.