Submit condition plans for endorsement

Endorsed plans form part of a Planning Permit and can be issued at the time of the Permit being issued.

Alternatively, your planning permit may come with a condition stating that plans must be submitted and endorsed before the use or works may start.

How to apply

Apply online

Step 1.Prepare your supporting documents

You will need to include:

  • plans prepared for endorsement, showing all the changes as required by the permit conditions
  • any other documents or plans as required by the permit conditions
  • a covering letter listing the condition number and the name of the relevant plan - example: Condition 11 – Landscape Plan – Drawing number: AB1234

Please upload your documents in PDF format.

Step 2.If you were the original applicant

Step 3.If you were not the original applicant, or the permit was issued before 2021

What happens next?

After your plans and/or documents have been submitted, a member of the Planning Services team will assess them to ensure they meet the condition(s) requirements.

If your plans and documents are satisfactory

If the Planner assessing the plans approves them, you will be provided with plans that are stamped as 'endorsed'. Endorsed plans then form part of the permit and must be complied with when completing your approved use and/or development.

If your plans and documents are not satisfactory

If Council's Planner determines that your plans and other documents do not meet the requirements of the planning permit conditions, the plans and documents will be deemed not satisfactory. You will be asked to resubmit the plans. You will be provided with an outline of the issues that must be addressed at the next submission of conditions plans.