Object or make a submission to a planning application

Any person who feels they are affected by a proposal can make a submission to a planning permit.

If you believe you will be badly affected by the granting of a Planning Permit, you can lodge a formal objection with Council.

How to submit


Step 1.View the plans

If a planning permit application is advertised near your property or you receive a letter about a planning permit application and you are concerned about the way the proposal may affect you or your property, you can view the applicable plans or visit Council offices to see the plans during the 14-day advertising period.

View planning applications register

Step 2.Think about how the proposal may impact you

Review the relevant documents and think about what is important about your property and how the proposal may impact you.

Objections must state how the proposal will affect you and should relate to relevant planning considerations, including:

  • Negative changes to the amenity or features of your area
  • Any potential environmental effects
  • Detrimental social or economic effects
  • Where the proposal is contrary to the policies contained in the Swan Hill Planning Scheme.

Examples of other issues that cannot be considered when Council decides on the proposal include:

  • Loss of property value
  • The type of residents that will occupy new dwellings
  • Commercial competition

Step 3.Meet with the Council planning officer

You can also contact the Planning Department on 5036 2352 if you wish to speak to the planning officer or arrange to meet in person in the office to discuss the application and any concerns you may have.

If you have discussed the application with Council or the applicant, and you still have concerns, then you can lodge an objection to Council.

Step 4.Check the date

You must submit your objection before the deadline listed on the letter you received.

Step 5.Write your submission or objection

A submission must:

  • Be in writing
  • Provide your full name, address, phone number and email address
  • State the grounds for your submission or objection
  • State how you will be affected by the granting of the permit

Step 6.Complete the online form 

Lodge an objection or submission


Step 1. 

Step 2.View the plans

If a planning permit application is advertised near your property or you receive a letter about a planning permit application and you are concerned about the way the proposal may affect you or your property, you can view the applicable plans or visit Council offices to see the plans during the 14-day advertising period.

View planning applications register

Step 3.Think about how the proposal may impact you

Review the relevant documents and think about what is important about your property and how the proposal may impact you.

Objections must state how the proposal will affect you and should relate to relevant planning considerations, including:

  • Negative changes to the amenity or features of your area
  • Any potential environmental effects
  • Detrimental social or economic effects
  • Where the proposal is contrary to the policies contained in the Swan Hill Planning Scheme.

Examples of other issues that cannot be considered when Council decides on the proposal include:

  • Loss of property value
  • The type of residents that will occupy new dwellings
  • Commercial competition

Step 4.Meet with the Council planning officer

You can also contact the Planning Department on 5036 2352 if you wish to speak to the planning officer or arrange to meet in person in the office to discuss the application and any concerns you may have.

If you have discussed the application with Council or the applicant, and you still have concerns, then you can lodge an objection to Council.

Step 5.Check the date

You must submit your objection before the deadline listed on the letter you received.

Step 6.Write your submission or objection

A submission must:

  • Be in writing
  • Provide your full name, address, phone number and email address
  • State the grounds for your submission or objection
  • State how you will be affected by the granting of the permit

Step 7.Email your submission or objection

Email your written submission to planning@swanhill.vic.gov.au


Step 1.View the plans

If a planning permit application is advertised near your property or you receive a letter about a planning permit application and you are concerned about the way the proposal may affect you or your property, you can view the applicable plans or visit Council offices to see the plans during the 14-day advertising period.

View planning applications register

Step 2.Think about how the proposal may impact you

Review the relevant documents and think about what is important about your property and how the proposal may impact you.

Objections must state how the proposal will affect you and should relate to relevant planning considerations, including:

  • Negative changes to the amenity or features of your area
  • Any potential environmental effects
  • Detrimental social or economic effects
  • Where the proposal is contrary to the policies contained in the Swan Hill Planning Scheme.

Examples of other issues that cannot be considered when Council decides on the proposal include:

  • Loss of property value
  • The type of residents that will occupy new dwellings
  • Commercial competition

Step 3.Meet with the Council planning officer

You can also contact the Planning Department on 5036 2352 if you wish to speak to the planning officer or arrange to meet in person in the office to discuss the application and any concerns you may have.

If you have discussed the application with Council or the applicant, and you still have concerns, then you can lodge an objection to Council.

Step 4.Check the date

You must submit your objection before the deadline listed on the letter you received.

Step 5.Write your submission or objection

A submission must:

  • Be in writing
  • Provide your full name, address, phone number and email address
  • State the grounds for your submission or objection
  • State how you will be affected by the granting of the permit

Step 6. Mail your submission or objection to

Swan Hill Rural City Council
PO Box 488
Swan Hill
VIC 3585

What happens next?

You will receive an acknowledgement letter advising your submission has been received by Council.

As part of the planning assessment, Council officers may contact you to discuss your concerns and may explore changes to the plans with yourself and subsequently with the applicant.

For more information on lodging an objection (submission) to a planning application, please read the Objectors Guide(PDF, 2MB)