Food safety and hygiene

Food safety hygiene

All food businesses in our municipality must be registered by Council and abide by the Food Standards Code and Food Act 1984. Community groups selling food must also register with FoodTrader.

If you are concerned about the hygiene and safety standards of a particular food business in our municipality or you have suspected food poisoning, you can make a complaint.

All reported issues will be kept confidential under the Food Act.

Suspected food poisoning

Food poisoning can often be caused by anything eaten in the 3 days before symptoms begin. It is not always the most recent meal you ate. 

Suspected food poisoning

Food poisoning can often be caused by anything eaten in the 3 days before symptoms begin. It is not always the most recent meal you ate.

If you have symptoms of food poisoning or an allergic reaction, please seek medical help Symptoms of food poisoning include vomiting, diarrhoea, stomach cramps, fever and generally feeling unwell. Some incidents of food poisoning can be fatal, particularly in children, the elderly and the very ill.

Incidents of suspected food poisoning should be reported to Council as soon as possible.

Report a food safety issue

For community groups

See our temporary / mobile food premises information

For business

See our food safety information for businesses

Food recalls

Sometimes food may be recalled from sale if it poses an unacceptable safety risk to consumers or for reasons of product quality.

For more information about food recalls visit Product Recalls Australia.