The economic and social effects of emergencies including loss of life, destruction of property, and dislocation of communities are inevitable.
Coping with hazards gives our reason and focus for planning. Hazards exist within all communities whether they are recognised or not.
The Swan Hill Rural City Council Municipal Emergency Management Plan has been produced pursuant to Section 20(1) of the Emergency Management Act 1986.
This Plan addresses the prevention of, response to and recovery from emergencies within the Swan Hill Rural City Council and is the result of the co-operative efforts of the Emergency Management Planning Committee and assistance from Victoria State Emergency Service North West Regional Headquarters, and recognises the previous planning activities of the Municipal area.
Municipal Emergency Management Plan 2025-2028(PDF, 1MB)
Sub plans
Municipal Fire Management Plan 2017-2020(PDF, 12MB)
Township Bushfire Mitigation Plan 2016(PDF, 10MB)
Heat Health Plan 2020(PDF, 2MB)
Other information
Swan Hill Rural City Council Flood Information – SES Website