

Playgroups are fun and relaxed way for you and your child to spend time with each other. It is also an opportunity to meet other families in your area and share ideas and learn new skills and tips about parenting.

Why join a Playgroup?

Playgroups are a place for families to find a sense of belonging to the community, opportunities to form friendships and share ideas and information.

Playgroups offer children:

  • a place to play and socialise with other children
  • a chance to create, invent, reason and problem solve
  • a safe, stimulating place to play and explore

Playgroups offer adults:

  • a time to play with their children and encourage learning through play
  • a place to meet local families
  • access to parenting information, resources and support services
  • a sense of community involvement and belonging

Playgroup Victoria playgroups

Find a playgroup in your area

MCH and Mallee Family Care playgroups