Aquatic facility businesses


If you operate an aquatic facility you may need to be registered with Council and comply with the Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008.

Public aquatic facilities include swimming pools, spa pools and interactive water features.

Public aquatic facilities are important for maintaining and promoting active lifestyles and providing health benefits.

However, if aquatic facilities are not properly managed, the health of bathers may be put at risk. Bathers can be affected by disease-causing microorganisms (pathogens) that are passed on through contaminated pool water, contaminated surfaces or person-to-person contact. This is particularly relevant for vulnerable groups in our community such as young children, the elderly and people with low immunity.

Did you know?

It is an offence to operate a Category 1 aquatic facility without a current Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008 Certificate of Registration. The Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008 and Regulations aim to protect public health by preventing or containing outbreaks of infectious diseases. They also encourage business proprietors to provide and maintain environments free from infectious diseases.

Classifications and requirements

The Victorian Government has categorised aquatic facilities into two groups based on risk.   

Category 1 aquatic facility 

A swimming pool, spa pool or interactive water feature that:

  • is used by members of the public, whether free of charge or on payment of a fee; or
  • is used in association with a class or program that is offered free of charge or on payment of a fee; or
  • is located at the premises of an early childhood service, school or other educational institution; or
  • is located at premises at which residential aged care services are provided; or
  • is located at any of the following premises: a public hospital; a multi-purpose service; a denominational hospital; a private hospital;


Category 2 aquatic facilities

A swimming pool or spa pool that is used by members of the public and located at the premises of the following:

  • a residential apartment complex; or
  • a hotel, motel or hostel;


Exempt facilities

The following types of aquatic facilities are not required to comply with the regulations and the water quality guidelines:

  • a spa pool that is, or is intended to be, emptied of water after each use;
  • a floatation tank (heated, highly saline, fluid-filled enclosed tank designed for individual therapeutic use);
  • a spring water pool that has a turnover rate of at least 25 percent of the entire volume of the water in the pool to waste each hour; a
  • waterway within the meaning of section 3(1) of the Water Act 1989; 

Registering your business

Are you starting a new business or changing an existing business?

To avoid costly mistakes, allow our expert team to guide you through the necessary permits for launching your business successfully.

Explore our dedicated page for starting, expanding, or buying a business and complete our concierge questionnaire. Our team will promptly assist you, walking you through the essential processes and permits vital for kickstarting your new venture.

Under the Victorian Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008, Category 1 aquatic facilities must be registered with Council.

Registering a new aquatic facility

When you are ready, complete your registration.

Registering a new aquatic facility 

Buying and transferring an aquatic facility

If you are purchasing an aquatic facility that has an existing business registration, an application must be made to Council to transfer the registration to the new owner of the business.

Transfer an aquatic facility business registration

Renewing your aquatic facility registration

Operators of aquatic facilities must renew their business registration every three years.

You will receive a letter with clear instructions on how to renew your registration.


Under the Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008, our Environmental Health Officers can inspect any business that is involved with providing health and wellbeing services.

We conduct inspections without giving prior notice, at any time during business trading hours. Our inspections focus on a wide range of issues including:

  • records of water testing
  • microbiological testing of water
  • chemical testing of water
  • compliance with water quality guidelines for public aquatic facilities


If you want to make a complaint about an aquatic facility in our municipality, please let us know

Report an issue