Plans, policies, strategies and corporate documents


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The purpose of the Financial Plan (including Major Projects) is to set out Council’s objectives and recommendations for ensuring that Council’s finances remain sustainable in the long term.

Ultimately, Council’s finances are sustainable in the long term if they are strong enough to allow Council to manage likely developments and unexpected financial shocks without having to introduce substantial or disruptive revenue (or expenditure) adjustments.

The plan expresses in financial terms the activities that Council proposes to undertake over the short, medium and long term and will guide the future strategies and actions of Council to ensure that it continues to operate in a sustainable manner.

For a situation to be sustainable, both present and future needs must be satisfied. Extending this definition to financial sustainability requires Council to manage its resources so that our financial commitments can easily be met both now and in the future. It ensures equality between generations of ratepayers in that each generation is responsible for the costs of the resources that they consume.

Financial Plan - 2021/22 to 2030/31(PDF, 3MB)


The population study revealed an estimated population of between 7000 in November and 8800 in March each year – far more accurate than the ABS estimate of 3359. Banking information was key to this. Consultants also looked at Lower Murray Water data, and spoke to 13 local service providers. For example, supermarket data showed a grocery spend much higher than you would expect for a town of 3359. This is a critical piece of work. We will use it as we look for a better deal for Robinvale, for health, education, housing, and all kinds of other services. It will also be made available to all Robinvale service providers to seek better outcomes too.

The housing strategy delved a bit deeper into the current situation and possible solutions. It confirmed something we all know – there is no magic bullet to fix the housing problems in Robinvale. But, the document has provided five clear strategies to ease the pressure.

Policy number   POL/COMM807
Next review June 2023


This Policy articulates Swan Hill Rural City Council’s (Council) position in relation to diversity in all its forms.Council acknowledges and celebrates the contribution that diversity brings to social and economic development opportunities within the municipality.

Policy number   POL/CORP226
Next review March 2024


Council is committed to protecting its assets and resources from any attempt, either by members of the public, contractors, agents, intermediaries or its own employees from dishonestly obtaining a benefit, or causing a loss, by deceit, bias or dishonest conduct.

The objectives of this Policy are to:

  • protect public resources, including information and property,
  • protect the integrity, security and reputation of Council, and
  • maintain a high level of service to the community consistent with good governance.

This policy should be read in conjunction with the Staff Code of Conduct and Councillor Code of Conduct.

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