Social Media


Social media is a valuable tool that helps us easily share the latest Council initiatives, events and news. It is also a place where we can have discussions, answer questions, and exchange ideas with the community. We aim to respond promptly during business hours.

For formal customer service requests or to report an issue, please contact Customer Service.

Our channels

Social Media - Administration Rules

Swan Hill Rural City Council’s Facebook page exists to provide information on Council initiatives, events, programs, and news. It’s used as an important tool for Council to actively engage with the community, serving as a place for discussion, enquiries, and an active exchange of ideas.

All posting of comments on this page are at the discretion of the page administrators. Council does not intend to prevent the posting of candid comments or critiques, but will take appropriate steps to protect the privacy and rights of individuals.

Posts containing information that specifically identifies people, reveals confidential information about Council employees or the Administrator will be removed.

Page administrators will review all postings to ensure they follow these guidelines and Council’s Social Media Policy.

Council does not sponsor or endorse any advertisement or post that may appear on our site or other sites, groups, or pages, unless it has been posted by Council.

Page administrators will remove any posting that:

  • Break the law, incites violence or lawlessness, or encourages others to do so, including violation of copyright laws
  • Encourages or glamorises the use of alcohol, tobacco or illegal drugs
  • Contains abusive, demeaning, or inappropriate language or statements. This prohibition includes remarks that are discriminatory on the basis of race, gender, religion, national origin, age, or disability, as well as those that contain profanity, are sexually explicit, lewd, provocative, or that describe graphic violence or lawlessness
  • Easily identifies people in a defamatory, abusive, or generally negative manner
  • Invades another individual’s privacy
  • Is a direct advertisement for a business or commercial operation
  • Is spam – i.e.: repeatedly posting the same comment or comments
  • Is not generally suited for an audience of all ages

Council reserves the right to remove content that violates its Social Media Policy or any associated policies. Materials authored or posted are subject to public disclosure.

Individuals that continually post inappropriate comments will be banned from commenting and legal advice maybe sought.

Personal complaints or grievances about Swan Rural City Council and its services should be formally reported at via our report an issue form.

If you see any online behaviour or content that does not adhere to these terms and conditions, please report it to our online administrators via


Swan Hill Rural City Council’s Facebook page is administrated by authorised employees of Council and will will be moderated by Council staff during business hours (9am – 5pm AEST Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays). If you have an urgent request, please phone our Customer Service Team on 03 5036 2333.