Innovative trial hoped to combat vandalism

Published on 14 March 2024


Swan Hill Rural City Council continues to be challenged by vandalism at the McCallum Street toilets, in Swan Hill CBD. In response, Council has devised a unique strategy to deter loitering and reduce instances of vandalism by trialing the playing of classical music.

Council’s Mayor, Cr Stuart King said escalating costs incurred by regular repair and maintenance efforts, had prompted Council to proactively pursue alternative innovative solutions aimed at safeguarding public infrastructure and resources.

“Council officers have drawn inspiration from successful implementations in other Councils across Australia and overseas. The decision to introduce classical music as a deterrent aligns with evidence-based strategies proven to mitigate anti-social behavior in public spaces.

“This initiative underscores our commitment to preserving community assets and enhancing our facilities for residents and visitors alike.

“By leveraging proven methods to deter vandalism, we aim to cultivate an environment of respect and safety within our public facilities,” Cr King said.

Cr King said as Council continued to explore innovative strategies and invest in infrastructure improvements, residents were being encouraged to report any suspicious activity or instances of vandalism to local authorities promptly.

“Senseless vandalism is incredibly disappointing. We are calling on the community to please report any anti-social activity to the Police Assistance Line 131 444 or Crimestoppers 1800 333 000.

“If you see something, please say something,” Cr King said.

Cr King said in a bid to address the longstanding concerns regarding the McCallum Street toilets, Council had also allocated budgetary provisions in the upcoming financial year for a comprehensive refurbishment as part of its broader Public Convenience Strategy.

“This underscores Council’s dedication to ensuring accessible, well-maintained facilities that meet the needs of our community,” he added.

For more information, please contact Council on 5036 2333.