Expression of Interest - Livestock Committee Member
Published on 25 February 2025
Swan Hill Rural City Council’s Livestock Exchange is currently seeking committee members to provide a balanced view and advice on the services provided at the SHRLE and options to meet stakeholder expectations.
Council now seeks Expressions of Interest from producers (both cattle and sheep), transporters, agents, DPI officer, local business representative and an independent member to fill these positions for a four year term.
The Committee will meet quarterly, or more frequently if required, in Swan Hill.
The positions offer the successful representatives the opportunity to contribute to the community and learn about the inner workings of the Swan Hill Regional Livestock Exchange.
Expressions of Interest should be forwarded to Leah Johnston, Director Infrastructure, Swan Hill Rural City Council, PO Box 488, Swan Hill VIC 3585 by 5pm on Friday, 28 March 2025, in a sealed envelope clearly marked "Expression of Interest – Livestock Exchange Committee Member" or via email with the same subject line.
Swan Hill Regional Livestock Exchange (SHRLE) Advisory Committee - Terms of Reference(PDF, 455KB)