Statement from Mayor Cr Stuart King

Published on 16 September 2024

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Following a rescission motion from last week’s Council meeting, at today's Council meeting on Monday 16 September, Council has delegated authority to CEO, Scott Barber to formally notify the Chisolm Reserve Complex Inc. of its intention to lease the portion of the site formerly known as the Swan Hill Drag Racing facility.

Council will enter into negotiations with the Skid City Entity for a lease agreement that includes a minimum term of three years, with provisions for consultation if extended beyond this period.

The lease terms will ensure a fee comparable to other user groups on the Motorplex site, maintain common access for all users, and require a Memorandum of Understanding with other Motorplex users.

Additionally, the agreement will involve accepting the facility's current conditions, waiving Council’s legal liability regarding the track's condition, and ensuring proper insurance coverage.

The motion also allowed for the re-opening of the Drag Strip facility, addressing a Council Resolution from December 2023, once a lease with Skid City Entity has been formalised.

Council is pleased to be moving forward and is excited about the opportunities that this partnership will bring for the future of the Motorplex site, aligning with its strategic goals and community interest

Cr Stuart King
Mayor, Swan Hill Rural City Council