A message from Mayor Cr Stuart King

Published on 18 July 2024


Economic Development Strategy

Council has renewed its Swan Hill Region Economic Development Strategy to directly reflect the needs and priorities of our diverse community through to 2030.

A key focus of this strategy is to progress a vision for our municipality towards 2050. This approach takes a strategic, long-term view to plan the future layout of our major towns, the critical infrastructure requirements, and opportunities for further economic and community development.

The Economic Development Strategy will provide vision, direction and a clear road map to support decision making, drive alignment, and communicate Council's economic development priorities.

We are fortunate to have a solid foundation in our agricultural, manufacturing and construction businesses which deliver over $2B of economic output each year.

The implementation of this strategy reaffirms our commitment to partner with new and existing industries, businesses, developers and other levels of Government to grow our economy, attract new investment and continue to make our region a place where lifestyle and opportunity meets for our communities.

Community grants program

One of the greatest delights I have as Mayor is to be able to support local community groups through our Community Grants Program which this financial year 2024/25 will deliver approximately $180K of funding to Community Groups across our municipality.

The Community Grants program includes the Community Development and Event Support Fund.

This year 49 applications were received for the 2024/2025 Event Support Fund Due to the quality and quantity of the applications received Council has decided to support 39 events, using reserve funds to ensure that there is an equitable distribution of funds.

It was pleasing to see that of the applications, 24 were for brand new events – something we should all be excited about!

For the Community Development Fund 46 submissions were received with 40 deemed eligible for assessment. Of these 40 applications, 22 were recommended for funding.

A broad cross-section of proposed projects covering several townships throughout the municipality were received, including Swan Hill, Robinvale, Lake Boga, Piangil, Nyah, Speewa and Manangatang.

Congratulations to all the successful recipients of the Community Grants Program.  I look forward to witnessing the enhancements and improvements, and attending and supporting the events that this funding boost provides to community groups in our municipality.

For those that were unsuccessful, I encourage you to reapply when applications open for the next financial year, and if you require any feedback or support on your application please contact a member of our Community Development team.

Stand for Council

To successfully represent our communities, we need great community leaders and quality candidates to nominate for Local Government elections. Now is the time to put your hand up!

To support potential candidates Council has partnered with the Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV,) to host regional-based information sessions to provide information and inspiration.

A Stand for Council session will be held in Swan Hill on Wednesday, 7 August 2024 at Swan Hill Town Hall PACC with check-in commencing from 6pm.

I encourage anyone thinking about standing for Council to come along to this session, or log into an online session, and utilise the resources of the MAV Stand for Council campaign.  Talking to a current Councillor is also a great way to learn about the roles, responsibilities and rewards of serving your community as an elected representative.

Murray River Adventure Trail

I am excited to share that Murray Regional Tourism is seeking valuable community feedback on their draft alignment for the Murray River Adventure Trail.

This multi-sport adventure trail aims to connect the length of the Murray River, offering opportunities for walking, cycling, canoeing, and kayaking. It’s designed to provide both visitors and locals with a unique way to experience our beautiful region and enjoy its natural offerings.

Swan Hill Rural City Council is committed to working with Murray Regional Tourism and all the Councils along the Murray River to ensure positive regional collaboration on this initiative. Your input is crucial to the success of this project.

To explore Murray Regional Tourism’s interactive map and provide your feedback, or to learn more about the project, please click here.

Catch up with a Councillor

Tonight, Cr Les McPhee and I will be available to catch up over a coldie at the Lake Boga Pub.

Council’s Coffee/Coldie with a Councillor sessions give community members an informal chance to talk to Councillors over a coffee (or a coldie!), about their ideas, issues or concerns relating to the vast array of things that Council does.

Please join us at the Lake Boga Pub, 9 Marraboor Street Lake Boga this evening from 6-8pm and let us know the issues that matter to you in our municipality.