
It is a fact of life that we all make noise, whether we are talking to others, playing music, entertaining, working around the house or just going about our daily business. What is enjoyable to one person may be noise to another.

Under the Environmental Protection Act 2017, noise complaints in Victoria are regulated by:

  • The EPA - Unreasonable noise from industrial, commercial or trade premises is regulated by EPA
  • Victoria Police - Music noise from entertainment venues is regulated by both Victoria Police and EPA
  • Local Council - Residential noise sources are regulated by both Victoria Police and local Councils

Residential noise

Council officers may investigate residential sources of noise and decide whether noise is unreasonable. They consider:

  • Volume and intensity
  • What the noise sounds like – its character
  • Time and place How long the noise continues
  • How often the noise occurs
  • Other circumstances

The Environment Protection Regulations 2021 cover specific sources of noise from residential properties.

A list of prescribed times and their prohibited times can be found on the EBA website.

Report a residential noise issue

Anti-social or threatening noise

If your noise problem happens after hours and is anti-social or threatening, the police should be contacted by calling 000 at the time of the offence.

Noise from new developments

If you have a problem with noise from a new development, you should contact the developer or builder directly. Their contact details or company name are generally displayed on signage or work vehicles.