Public registers and returns

Election campaign donation returns

This report is provided in accordance with section 308 of the Local Government Act 2020. It is a summary report on election campaign donations returns provided by candidates in the Swan Hill Rural City Council election.

Summary of election campaign donation returns (General election 23 October 2020)(PDF, 62KB)

Conflict of interest register

Councillors, members of Delegated Committees and Council staff are required to:

  • Avoid - all situations which may give rise to conflicts of interest;
  • Identify - any conflicts of interest; and
  • Disclose - or declare all conflicts of interest;

Swan Hill Rural City Council Governance Rules states under section 19.4. (4) : A Councillor or member of a delegated committee who discloses a conflict of interest and leaves a Council meeting must not communicate with any participants in the meeting while the decision is being made.

Councillor conflict of interest register (Term 2020-2024)(PDF, 466KB)

Delegations register

Council delegates some powers, duties and functions to Council officers to effectively and efficiently carry out its business. This is formalised through a written Instrument of Delegation.

The following Instruments of Delegation have been made by Council.

Register of delegations(PDF, 405KB)

Donations and grants register

This register contains information about grants, contributions, and donations made by Council.

Donations and grants register (2022 - 2023)(PDF, 117KB)

Gifts, benefits and hospitality register

Council has adopted a gifts, benefits and hospitality policy which clearly outlines its position on responding to offers of gifts, benefits and hospitality to ensure transparency and accountability.

Gifts, benefits and hospitality register (2023 – 2024)(PDF, 121KB)

Personal interests returns

The Local Government Act 2020 requires Councillors and Nominated Officers of Swan Hill Rural City Council to complete Personal Interest Returns.

A personal interest return must be completed within 30 days of the commencement in their role, and then biannually in March and September of each subsequent year.

The Victorian Government imposes penalties for false and incomplete information provided in any Personal Interest Return, and for failing to lodge the Personal Interest Return within the legislated timeframes.

Summary of personal interest returns  (March 2024)(PDF, 771KB)

Public lease register

Our public lease register contains information about the property agreements we have in place for community and commercial tenants occupying Council owned or managed land.

Public lease register (July 2024)(PDF, 68KB)

Travel register

Details of overseas or interstate travel (other than interstate travel by land for less than 3 days) undertaken in an official capacity by any Councillor or member of Council staff in the previous 12 months, including:

  • the name of the Councillor or member of Council staff;
  • the dates on which the travel began and ended;
  • the destination of the travel;
  • the purpose of the travel; and
  • the total cost to Council of the travel, including accommodation costs.

Travel register (2022 - 2023)(PDF, 98KB)

Travel register (2021 - 2022)(PDF, 188KB)