Audit and Risk Committee

The Audit and Risk Committee reviews Councils operations and finances to make sure risks are managed and controlled.

It is independent of Council and has five members. Three are independent experts in a range of areas, including finance, business, engineering and project management.

The Audit and Risk Committee meets four times a year to consider:

  • Financial accountability
  • Controls over Council operations
  • Risk Management
  • Issues identified during an audit of financial and performance statements.

The Audit and Risk Committee reports its findings to Council and makes recommendations of any changes needed.

As well as the Audit and Risk Committee, Council has an internal auditor, AFS & Associates Chartered Accountants, who are based in Bendigo.

With direction from the Audit and Risk Committee, the internal auditor carries out independent reviews of Council’s business systems.

The results are reported to the Audit and Risk Committee.

 Audit and Risk Committee Charter(PDF, 1020KB)