Activities projects and/or events that provide community members affected by the flood event with the information, support, and services needed to pursue their recovery will be prioritised.
This may include:
- Providing on-site and outreach recovery services (including mental health and wellbeing services).
- Community recovery capability building initiatives (for example: training, events, education, programs).
- Running events and services to bring community together and enable social recovery by increasing social connection and social capital.
- Supporting Aboriginal communities affected by the Flood Event, ensuring Aboriginal culture is valued and respected.
- Equipment - Equip community groups with response and recovery equipment and materials such as first aid kits to help with disaster preparation (on a case by case basis).
Eligible costs associated with running events, services and initiatives could include facilitation, promotional material, advertising, venue hire, catering, community residents transport and logistics support within reason, equipment hire or lease.
Funded activities must commence and be completed and full expended within the funding period to be eligible.
Funded projects will be those that strengthen community resilience and build a sense of belonging and community pride.