Community Development Fund


The Community Development Fund provides grants of up to $5,000 to eligible community groups and organisations.

Generally, funding is granted for the following types of projects:

  • Structural repairs or minor upgrades to community facilities
  • New or upgraded equipment essential to the operation of the community group
  • Addressing current OHS or risk management issues
  • New programs or activities within a community
  • Projects for specific high-needs groups
  • Projects that promote local sustainability initiatives, environmental innovation, proud community spaces, responsible water usage and conservation
  • Club capacity (eg. planning, support and training for organisations and club volunteers)
  • The protection, conservation and restoration of heritage items and assets

Funding limit
Up to $5,000 to eligible community groups and organisations

Applications are now closed

User guides

Guidelines – Community Development Fund(PDF, 567KB)
Definitions – Community Development Fund(PDF, 140KB)
Example Application – Community Development Fund(PDF, 202KB)

Who is eligible?

Funding will only be provided to community groups/organisations that comply with all the following statements:

  • Operate within or provide services targeting residents within the municipality.
  • Operate on a non-for-profit basis.
  • Have a formal legal structure or are auspiced by a community group/organisation that fulfils this requirement (i.e. incorporated or auspiced by an incorporated body).
  • Provide access to Council residents either as members, participants or supporters.
  • Ensure adequate legal and insurance requirements are met.
  • Operate for the benefit of the community.
  • If previously funded by Council, have satisfactorily fulfilled previous requirements regarding financial acquittal and reporting.

What could be funded?

Generally funding will only be provided for projects that include:

  • Structural repairs or minor upgrades to community facilities. 
  • The purchase of new or upgraded equipment essential to the operation of the community group.
  • Address current OHS or risk management issues.
  • New programs or activities that provide broad community benefit or support specific high-need groups.
  • Projects that promote local sustainability initiatives, environmental innovation, create proud community spaces and promote responsible water usage and conservation.
  • Projects that support the development of the group/organisation, providing opportunities to share skills, encourage participation and increase club capacity.
  • The protection, conservation and restoration of heritage items and assets.
  • Projects that improve social connectedness and/or physical or mental health, and provide access to recreation and leisure opportunities for all ages, particularly youth.
  • Projects and activities that contribute to strengthening communities within the Swan Hill Rural City Council and create new opportunities for community participation in social, learning and civic activities.
  • Projects that support the development of arts and culture initiatives.

Funding will NOT be provided for:

  • Activities, programs or projects with the objective of making financial profit.
  • Projects for capital works that are completed on private property. However, projects that are to be carried out on properties that are heritage listed are exempt.
  • Projects considered the responsibility of other agencies or government departments.
  • Recurrent operating or maintenance costs for day-to-day operations.
  • Salaries, where the salary forms part of the organisation’s usual responsibility (not including instructor or tuition fees).
  • Projects which have already been completed or for costs that have already been expended.
  • Projects that are clearly a duplication of an existing service, program, project or event.
  • Projects which have a political or religious purpose and objective.
  • Projects that are deemed to be inappropriate or offensive.
  • Prizes/trophies.
  • Catering.
  • Multiple/recurrent applications from a community group/organisation.
  • Projects or activities that benefit a single person only.
  • Projects that have received funding through other Council programs/sponsorship.
  • Organisations that support or the intended purpose of the project promotes gambling, alcohol, drug, or tobacco use.
  • Schools are ineligible to apply.