Murray Mallee Local Learning & Employment Network


Our purpose at the Murray Mallee LLEN is to improve education, training and employment outcomes for our regions young people. We will broker and sustain collaborative partnerships with schools and industry to develop programs and interventions that support young people through their education and career pathways journey. Our initiatives aim to support successful transitions into education, training, and employment.

MMLLEN promotes continued strong pathways from school to further education and work for local young people. We support the development of partnerships which result in an increase in the number of and range of school-employer engagement activities.

MMLLEN is a not-for-profit organisation incorporated on 10th January 2002 governed by a voluntary board of management, responsible for the area of north-west Victoria covered by Swan Hill Rural City Council (excluding Robinvale), Gannawarra Shire (excluding Cohuna) and Sea Lake in the Buloke Shire.


Murray Mallee LLEN,  Shop 1A 3-4 McNeill Court,  Swan Hill 3585  View Map

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